Monday, October 29, 2007

To the jackass who stole my laptop

I'm sure you are using MY laptop right now to read this blog and I want to tell you right now how much you SUCK!!! Not so much for taking my laptop but because it has my entire life on it since college. You know all the papers I wrote. All the pictures I took. All the music I collected during the Golden Age of Napster. My resumes which I now will have to re-write even though I may not be looking for a job at the moment. God I hope I have a spare hiding somewhere in my email or monster account that has been updated recently. And the crowning achievement of your suckiness? You now have my gramdmother's eulogy. I know this particular document is going to have some much meaning to you and that was your motivation in breaking into our house and stealing all our laptops.

You know what? You can totally keep the laptop. I don't actually care about it. But if you could let me know where I could leave you a flash drive so you can also upload all the crap that is mine on to it and if you then can mail me the flash drive (since you know where I live) I'll be okay with that. I can't say my other roommates will be ok with it but I know in a small way I'm glad that I will no longer be chained to apple programs that would involve a reformatting of files when I finally got a new computer.

So really thank your dude who stole my laptop. You have not only freed me from the Apple cult but you have freed me of my past. No more will I be able to look back at the person I was in college, whether it was good or bad. No longer will I have the physical memories of the shit job I had in Yosemite, nor the 40oz dash in Colorado, nor the many MANY times I went away to London and took maybe 5 pictures because I'm just not that good at it. None of my ex-husband, ex-lovers who I should probably forget but haven't had the desire to erase those pictures and ex-friends who I can't forget anyway because they shaped my life so much. That you so much for freeing me...

P.S. I want my fucking "The Secret" movie back too!!!

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