Thursday, December 4, 2008

10 Types of Clients

Amen. This post = my life.

Oh but it gets better in the comments. I could have written this comment in particular.

What a great way to start your day!

So this happened a little while back.

I was walking to work and I passed a guy who said "Hello" to me in such a way it sounded like he knew me. So I looked up and said hello back. Turned out I didn't know him. Oh well. I was still nice.

Dude then comes after me & tells me how I am the most beautiful girl he has seen and would love to take me out, he gets off work at 5....

Me: "I have to go to work"
Dude: " That's ok. I'll talk fast."
Me: "I have a boyfriend" ( Yes we do lie when we don't want to be bothered)
Dude: "I don't care about that"

And it continues until he insists that I take his number.

The caveat here is that dude looked normal, handsome even, had a slight English accent and more or less looked like he had his shit together. And had I not been trying to get to my office which is in the GHETTO, I might have considered talking to him. As it was, I WAS walking through the ghetto when he came after me which immediately made me wish I had mace.

So this goes out to you Charles (I think that was your name). You totally made my morning and props to you for having the balls to try and pick up a girl on the street. Seriously, if I worked on 3rd Street instead of 9th, you would probably have a much better shot.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bill O'Reilly is talking out of his ass as usual

Some people love papa bear, some for the entertainment value of it, some because they are dumb. And granted this article has a bit of comic value but it truly shows how misguided and how much "artistic" license Fox takes with editing. Especially how it makes the Castro look like a den of sin. And STRAIGHT sin for that matter.

And technically everything they are saying is true. Massage parlours, prostitution, ok but how different is that from New York or Chicago or ANY big city?

Wouldn't walk in the Presidio at night? What, afraid of the deer?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Misses Palin! I made A teliscop for YOU!

Priceless my friends, priceless. You betcha doggonit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being sick blows my ass

Especially when it is a day away from the largest lindy exchange ever held and you find yourself in the midst of a fever.

That's right.

While I'm not as bad as I was yesterday, I still had to give all my guests away because getting out of towners sick just doesn't feel nice. And am thinking that I won't be able to go to most of the events this weekend :( WTF yo.

There is nothing more infuriating than looking forward to something that will be amazing only to have it snatched away by some fucking virus. God. Damn. It.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm not your admin, bitches

So today we had a kick off meeting for a PPC campaign. This client has been especially hard to nail down so we scheduled this meeting about 2 weeks ago. I have been the main contact for them for the most part but seeing as I know nothing about PPC and my co-worker (we will call him Bill) is a lead generation guy, it only makes sense that he would run the campaign, be the main contact and do the project management. And seeing as he has one lonely project, he has the time and room for it.

So under this reasoning I schedule the call number (because I haven't taught him how to do it yet) and send it out to the internal team and basically say "This is all I am responsible for." And that is the last time I touch it. Maybe I should have pressed the fact that this is NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, but I thought that someone as quick as this guy would get it.

Apparently not, because he totally flaked on the meeting this morning and also didn't send the call info to the client. Part of me is glad that he didn't send it because if he had and he wasn't there, I would have been sitting there with my pants down because I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS PROJECT. This is a learning project for me. And he knows this.

Now mind you I haven't gotten any shit about this from the boss (yet) and honestly the only thing I could have done differently is taken initiative and sent the info to the client. But that is the whole point of this exercise. I am not his admin yet I find myself being his admin and manager and it is fucking weird. Dude is supposed to be more experienced in this field than I, so essentially he is supposed to play the role of the head of the "department". Yet I find myself managing him and the department. And managing MY manager is not my role.

I also do the majority of the work involved in any given project. At least on the keyword side. Which is fine since I am more comfortable with that but I'm not really learning from him. Rather he corrects my mistakes and I cover his ass because he can't keep track of what is going on further than 2 assignments. Dude has two things on his plate that I BET YOU he hasn't looked at yet and need to be looked at yet he is researching "san francisco moving" to see what comes up in Google. Um which client is that for? YOUR OWN??? Dude you are at the office. I know you have private clients but if you want/need to keep them, you should be doing that on your own time. Or be on contract.

The funny part is a feel kinda bad because he sounded so exasperated this morning. I mean he totally owns that he flaked but clearly didn't think it would be such a big deal when it clearly is. But then I get pissed at myself for feeling sorry for him because WEEKS ago I washed my hands of this. I am done babysitting him when it comes to small details. He is really good at selling and producing but managing, yeah no.

And you know what, I actually don't care if I need to manage the "department" but then I need to have less responsibility when it comes to production. Because I end up spending my evenings in the office because I have had distractions all day and wasn't able to get production work done. If I need to keep calendar and schedule his meetings and run projects than I can. However it wasn't what I was hired for and I would rather not slide back into an admin position. What am I saying? Rather not? I DO NOT want to be an admin again!!! I'm smarter than that shit! I AM NOT YOUR ADMIN, BITCH!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So I'm walking down Valencia...

Looking all dressed up since it is right after work and we just happened to have a client meeting. I thought about going home because I thinking I'm a *bit* dressed up to go to a Mission bar but then I said fuck it. I look good, why should I dress down and waste time? I have things that are going to be dressier later and who really cares and if they do if they say anything they get a big ole asshole star next to their name in my mental black book. So I'm going to go rock my overdressed look.

So anyway walking the street, there is a cafe with two guys outside talking and they stop talking and watch me. I walk past and as I walk past I hear in a degrading low toned voice...


I'm still smiling at the absurdity of it. Mostly because

A. I work at a web design company the ratio of jeans and tee shit days to dress up days are 10:1.
B. The longer I live here, the more I like horizontal striped sweaters and
C. Eff you. I would love to be an artist/writer/art student but in order for me to pay bills I need to have a J-O-B and I've worked in service and I like being paid well more than I like being ironic. That's my value system. You are welcome to yours provided you don't judge me on mine. Because then you will be exposed for the jack ass that you are in this passive-agressive manner. :D

I remember being the kid who scoffed at the cheerleaders for no other reason that they were cheerleaders but for God Sake that was high school. Can we please grow up?