Thursday, December 4, 2008

What a great way to start your day!

So this happened a little while back.

I was walking to work and I passed a guy who said "Hello" to me in such a way it sounded like he knew me. So I looked up and said hello back. Turned out I didn't know him. Oh well. I was still nice.

Dude then comes after me & tells me how I am the most beautiful girl he has seen and would love to take me out, he gets off work at 5....

Me: "I have to go to work"
Dude: " That's ok. I'll talk fast."
Me: "I have a boyfriend" ( Yes we do lie when we don't want to be bothered)
Dude: "I don't care about that"

And it continues until he insists that I take his number.

The caveat here is that dude looked normal, handsome even, had a slight English accent and more or less looked like he had his shit together. And had I not been trying to get to my office which is in the GHETTO, I might have considered talking to him. As it was, I WAS walking through the ghetto when he came after me which immediately made me wish I had mace.

So this goes out to you Charles (I think that was your name). You totally made my morning and props to you for having the balls to try and pick up a girl on the street. Seriously, if I worked on 3rd Street instead of 9th, you would probably have a much better shot.

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